Cambridge Baby亲子课程(需家长一同上课)
与其他大多儿童早教的课程不同,我们的Cambridge Baby亲子课程每周固定安排2次课,我们相信这个频率是有效学习、正确行为引导的最佳频率。
* 参加亲子课程的每一个儿童必须有一位成人陪伴。/Users/caeliu/Desktop/WechatIMG166.jpeg
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Cambridge Baby
Bilingual Programme
Providing a safe and secure environment for learning and invite young children (aged 18 months to 3 years) and their parents to play!
As we play, laugh, and talk, we learn about getting along with one another. We learn about doing things for ourselves and for others. And we learn about joining in and following the leader (the teacher). We encourage this playful approach to life and learning not only in our children, but also in us as parents and the first teachers of our children’s lives.
Unlike many other early childhood enrichment programmes, our programme has classes 2 times a week, which we believe to be the optimal frequency in order to stimulate learning and behavioural change.
* Every child in Adult Accompanied programme requires an accompaniment by an adult.
*The programme begins on 3rd March 2018
Minimum:40 classes
Click "Read more" at the end of this article to sign up for the programme.
Cambridge Baby特色课程(18-36月)
欢迎你加入充满乐趣的 Cambridge Baby 课程,这是凯睿思国际教育深受家长和孩子们喜爱的课程之一!Cambridge Baby 是孩子从家庭教育过渡到进入幼儿园托班学习的桥梁。我们以孩子为中心的主题组织课程内容,包括游戏与运动、音乐、手工、故事、小点心、语言与戏剧等,让孩子沉浸在良好的语言环境中。他们还会逐渐在游戏中学习到英语字母和发音、中文概念单词及数字、形状和颜色。
在Cambridge Baby 课程中,孩子将:
l 通过 Cambridge Baby 的“魔术盒”和“英文字母动物园手偶”等系列活动,建立对重要基本概念的感知,并发展手眼协调能力
l 参与凯睿思国际教育的特色戏剧环节:Cambridge Baby 老师带领着孩子们在有趣的故事与场景里互动,并由此可以联想和理解真实的生活情景
l 学习如何与其他孩子们一起进餐的社会能力,比如排队等待、轮流、选择、礼貌用语、尊重他人等社交礼仪,还能尝试各种健康的点心
l 在充满鼓励和启发的安全环境中,通过积极的互动提升自信心和社会能力,建立对自我的安全感和独立意识
* Cambridge Baby 每节课1.5小时,每周1次,英文或中文。
Featured Programme
(18-36 months)
Fostering self-control and autonomy
By the time your child is a year and six months old, your child’s growing independence will require a larger playing field enriched with thoughtful activities to enhance learning.
Welcome to the joys of learning through Cambridge Baby—a sought-after programme by parents and children alike! Cambridge Baby is a bridge between home and school, offering a stimulating and highly enjoyable programme that offers good language models. Our theme-based curriculum is structured around child-centred themes through activities such as indoor and outdoor play, music, art and craft, hands-on pre-science activities, stories, speech, drama and snacks, and letters of the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colours.
In Cambridge Baby, our students will:
· Engage in hands-on activities and interact in different environments with Cambridge Baby’s Magic box time and our unique Alphabet Zoo puppets to work on hand-eye coordination and enhance their sensory and aesthetic awareness
· Relate and make sense of real-life experiences with our well-loved Cambridge Baby teachers
· Learn the social skills of eating together: practice turn-taking, social rituals of dining with peers, be exposed to different types of food during Snack time
· Express themselves naturally in the form of music, movement and dance
* Each Cambridge Baby class session is 1.5 hours, once a week.
*The programme begins on 3rd March 2018
Minimum:40 classes (optional)
Click "Read more" at the end of this article to sign up for the programme.